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Joint Replacement Surgery- An Introduction Arthritis and routine wear and tear can cause hip, knee, and other joint pains. However when these pains and stiffness begin to impede the quality of life and the patient is not responding to other more

Although arthritis is a condition mostly attributed to the senior population, athletes and young adults are also susceptible. Knee arthritis is defined as a group of conditions caused by defective articular cartilage and alterations in bone morphology. It is considered

You might think that office work is more of a mental job rather than a physical one. However, desk work strains muscles and joints that keep working in the same fashion throughout the day. Occupational tasks tend to be monotonous

Is shoulder clicking or popping a serious matter? Well, it can be. Sometimes you hear a sound or have a cracking feeling when you lift or rotate your arms. It may or may not be accompanied by pain. We tend to
