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treat the recurrent shoulder dislocation

How to Treat the Recurrent Shoulder Dislocation

The shoulder is the most mobile joint of the body which is responsible for movement in the arm, swinging the arm, lifting weights, moving the arm to and fro as well as up and down. This greater range of movement may be a cause of instability, especially in the case of a sportsman. 


Causes and Effects of Shoulder Instability

Due to shoulder instability, the upper arm bone comes out of the cup-shaped socket that is a part of the shoulder blade and this causes a shoulder dislocation. Following may be the symptoms of shoulder dislocation:

  • A deformed or misplaced shoulder
  • Swelling or bruising in the shoulder
  • Intense recurring pain
  • Immobile joint

With the movement of the shoulder in just any direction to swing the arm, dislocations are more likely to happen if there is instability in the joint.  A strong jerk or a sudden blow may pop the arm ball out of the shoulder socket. 

The reasons for shoulder dislocation can be either of the following:

  • Sports and Work Injuries

In sports like hockey, cricket, soccer, or sports involving falls like gymnastics, skiing, volleyball, etc. Shoulder dislocation can happen frequently. Repetitive strain can cause the shoulder to become unstable. Even some jobs require repetitive work which can traumatize the shoulder.

  • Sudden Fall

A fall from a certain height, fall from a ladder or stairs, or even tripping from a lopsided carpet or rug may be the cause of severe shoulder pain and shoulder dislocation.

  • Sudden Jerk

A sudden jerk while exercising or a sudden brake while driving may cause the shoulder to dislocate. Shoulder dislocation or recurrent shoulder dislocation may cause tearing of muscles, ligaments, and tendons that reinforce the shoulder joint. It may lead to shoulder instability which makes shoulder dislocation recurrent. 

What are the Treatments for Shoulder Dislocation?

In some cases, non-surgical treatment by just reducing and immobilizing the shoulder may work. This is usually done by your orthopedic surgeon in anesthesia.  Post-procedure, applying ice, rest and physical therapy may help.

However, if the tissues that hold the shoulder are ruptured or strained, or if you experience recurrent shoulder dislocations, Dr. Tanveer Bhutani, at Eva Hospital suggests and strongly recommends Shoulder Arthroscopy surgery. If you are a young athlete majorly in sports involving arm movements like throwing or collisions, shoulder arthroscopy is mandatory to resume the game.

What is Shoulder Arthroscopy?

Shoulder arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgery where the surgeon accesses the shoulder using small incisions and minimal damage to the surrounding tissues. 

A slim, pencil-sized instrument called an arthroscope is inserted into the joints through a small incision. With a keyhole light and a keyhole video camera, on the other hand, the details of bones, tendons, ligaments, and labrum are highlighted and magnified.

The torn ligament or labrum is repositioned, the ring of cartilage that surrounds the shoulder socket is repaired and the humerus is stabilized.

It is usually outpatient surgery and you can leave the hospital within a couple of hours post the surgery. This may, however, be contingent on the patient’s health status and age.

Dr. Tanveer Bhutani, the best orthopedic surgeon in North India describes this surgery for shoulder dislocation as very effective and says that with proper follow-up and medications, and physical therapy, the patient will be able to resume sports activities within 8-14 weeks.

Last words

Why suffer from pain and discomfort of recurrent shoulder dislocations when shoulder arthroscopy can heal the dislocated shoulder! The surgeon’s level of experience and knowledge is vital for a genuine diagnosis.

For any kind of pain in the shoulder and neck or any visible signs of lumps in the back, contact Dr. Tanveer Bhutani. He is a specialist in shoulder arthroscopy in Punjab. Resume your sports and games and live your life pain-free!

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