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How to Minimize the Risk of Sports Injury?

There is no denying that injuries, big or small, are part and parcel of a sports person’s life. However, by making conscious efforts toward its prevention, we can minimize the risk of musculoskeletal injuries, which includes injuries to your bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissues.

Medical studies in sports show that the rate of injury in athletes may vary from 10% to 65%. This is why identifying possible risk factors for injury and plugging those gaps is required to lower the odds. Now, what are the factors that make you more prone to sports injuries?


Factors that increase injury risks for a sportsperson


  • Age
  • Gender
  • Body composition
  • Physical fitness
  • Anatomy
  • Skill level
  • Psychological factors


External risk factors

  1. Type of sports
  2. Protective equipment
  3. Environment


Inciting event

  1. Sports situation
  2. Athlete behavior
  3. Whole body biomechanics
  4. Joint/tissue biomechanics


7 tips to prevent sports injuries


Wrong techniques and posture: Wrong techniques used during a sport can lead to frequent injuries. Learn the right trick to do a maneuver. Until then, you are better off refraining from doing it.


Wrong equipment & gear: Along with wrong technique and posture, wrong equipment and gear can also lead to injuries. Use only recommended and medically approved safety gear to lower the risks of sports injury.


Rest: While a lot of emphasis is given to training, the merit of resting is often undermined. Your body remains, repairs, and recharges during rest and you must have enough of that to prevent injuries.


Warm-up and cool down: Warming up and cooling down have to be part of your training routine. The body has to gradually pick up the intensity and come out of it and should not be sent into a state of shock by sudden motions.


Strength building & flexibility: Your training program must focus on strength building as well as flexibility. This would cut down the risk of sports injuries.

Work every muscle in your body: You are as strong as your weakest muscle. This is why each muscle group in the body must be worked for higher levels of strength.


Stay calm: Sports ignite a rush of emotions in all of us. However, your health and safety are directly linked to the calm and composure you are able to maintain during this activity. You can be extremely fierce as a sportsperson while staying completely calm. Don’t mistake excitement with real skill.

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