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preparation for hip replacement surgery

How can you prepare for Hip Replacement Surgery?

The decision to get hip replacement surgery is not the end of the story. Rather it is the beginning of the mammoth preparations so that the surgery can be a success and recovery can be fastened. You must not idly sit back and wait till the day of the surgery arrives. You must gear up and discuss the pre-preparation with your surgeon so that you are well-equipped to be independent as soon as you get back home after the surgery.

“The right preparation and gathering useful information before the surgery can make a huge difference in making your recovery smooth,” says the best orthopedic doctor of Punjab, Dr. Tanveer Bhutani at EVA Hospital. He believes in the famous quote- ‘Well begun is half done’. Hence he advises his patients to prepare their body for the surgery as well as prepare their houses for returning back with a newly replaced hip.

What must you Avoid before Hip Replacement Surgery?

Dr. Bhutani recommends that after you decide on a hip replacement surgery, you must work on pre-operative medical clearances and understand the preparation needed to post the surgery. He advises his patients to refrain from the following so that the recovery can take place without much ado:

  • Avoid Blood Thinners

Your orthopedic must know which blood thinners you are taking and why and he will advise a suitable time frame before which you must stop any blood-thinning medicines (anticoagulant medications) that can interfere with the surgery and healing.

  • Avoid Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

Care must be exercised in consuming any such drug almost a week or 10 before the surgery which will interfere with the process of blood clotting and will make healing a tedious affair. Medicines like Advil, Tylenol, and Aspirin must be used sparingly and that too with the permission of the surgeon.

  • Avoid Supplements

Dr. Bhutani usually advocates his patients to stop the intake of supplements like Vitamin E, ginseng, fish oil, etc. a few days before the surgery.

  • Stop Smoking

You must seek your doctor’s opinion on smoking and must refer to anti-smoking practices so that you stay out of the reach of nicotine. You may seek the help of professionals which can help you get rid of the smoking addiction because nicotine affects the blood flow and can cause major complications with the surgery.

What Steps Must you follow before the Surgery?

Dr. Bhutani has prepared a list of easy, effective, and essential list of do’s before the hip replacement surgery. Each step will prepare you for the surgery and help in your safe stay at home without much hassle. Browse through the list of mandatory do’s below while preparing for the hip replacement surgery:

  1. Dental evaluation

A dental check-up must be conducted way before the surgery so that you rule out any chances of bacteria entering your body during the process and hampering the recovery of hip replacement surgery. A dental treatment well in advance would prevent any chances of infection to the new, artificial joint.

  1. Gather Support System

Hip replacement surgery is major surgery and you must be sure of asking your friends or family members to assist you with the basic household chores in the beginning few days. You must gear up to stock the groceries and prepare meals (and freeze them) in advance.

Also, a confidant must be there to drive you back post the surgery. You must arrange a nurse to take care of you in case any family member or friend is unavailable post the surgery.

  1. Set-up the House

Some major preparations must be done to prepare the house for your return after the hip replacement surgery. You will have to prepare for basic amenities like a raised toilet seat or an attachment that raises the seat, a chair in the bathing area, a grabbing tool in the wet area of the bathroom, and a shoehorn to assist you in wearing shoes comfortably.

This also implies that you keep aside some slippery items like rugs, floor showpieces, or telephone wires and extensions that can make you slip or get you entangled. Adequate arrangements must be made in a way that the basic essentials like remote controls, medicine kits, and food trays are within reach and accessible without bending.

In case your room is on the first floor, prepare for your stay on the ground floor for a few weeks after the surgery, if possible. Also, get side rails or wall railings installed before the surgery so that you can walk with ease around the house after the surgery.

  1. Prepare your Body

Your body weight must be monitored judiciously and you must work your way to reduce the extra pounds off the body so that you do not put pressure on the new joint.

Also, you must exercise so that you strengthen your muscles and bones and make them stronger which can help in speedy recovery.

  1. Pack for the Hospital

You must be far-sighted to pack meticulously for all the belongings that you would need during your hospital stay. Apart from basics like dental care kit, loose-fit clothes, and cell phone, you must discuss with your surgeon if you need things like IDs and your daily medicines.

Prepare well in advance so that there is no situation where you find yourself helpless or dependent after the surgery.


Final Words

Hip pain can make you incapacitated and irritated. Timely consultation with the doctor along with appointment for the surgery is the first step to reduce the hip pain. Get in touch with Punjab’s best orthopedic and hip replacement surgeon Dr. Tanveer Bhutani and get an insight into the pre and post-surgery preparations so that you are not caught off the guard at any point in time and can take care of your recovery with ease. Your health, recovery, and mental peace are of utmost importance at EVA Hospital.

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