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Hip Replacement Surgeon

As the name suggests, hip replacement surgery is a surgical medical treatment in which the physician removes any uncomfortable parts of the hip joint. The discomfort could be the result of ongoing arthritis or another kind of injury. A synthetic joint, frequently constructed of metal or a comparable material, is used to replace the natural joint. The orthopaedic surgeon performs hip replacement surgery as a last choice after exhausting all other options to address the pain, including medication and other therapies.

Dr. Tanveer Singh Bhutani, an esteemed orthopaedic surgeon in India with years of expertise and knowledge, practises at EVA hospital. He provides relief to people experiencing excruciating hip joint pain after successfully completing many hip replacement surgeries.

Hip replacement surgery is of two types:

  • Cemented hip replacement
  • Uncemented hip replacement

In Ludhiana, EVA Hospital provides both cemented and uncemented hip replacement procedures.

Cemented Hip Replacement In Ludhiana

In a cemented hip replacement, a specific bone cement is used to attach the prosthetic or artificial hip joint to the bone. The doctors frequently suggest this sort of hip replacement because it lasts longer. The cement dries quickly, and the results are immediately apparent. Using specialised instruments, a clean and stable bone bed is created, on which an artificial joint is attached using specialised bone cement.

Uncemented Hip Replacement In Ludhiana

Contrary to its counterpart, uncemented hip replacement, also known as cementless hip replacement, replaces the damaged bone with a press-fit joint. The press-fit fixture has room inside to let the bone grow without the need of cement. The bone grows and adopts the press-fit joint’s shape over time to produce a solid bond.

Cost-effective ACL repair therapy

In Ludhiana, EVA Hospital is a reputable orthopaedic and infertility hospital. We provide ACL restoration surgery at competitive prices and guarantee the best outcomes. We are a modern hospital with excellent facilities and cutting-edge technology. We have successfully treated several patients with ACL reconstruction under the direction of Dr. Tanveer Singh Bhutani.

Make an appointment with us right away for cheap ACL reconstruction care!

Cost of a hip replacement in Ludhiana

Eva Hospital strives to keep procedure costs down so that they are well within our patients’ means. Our hip replacement price in Ludhiana is really reasonable. We make sure that you won’t continue to receive subpar care merely because of financial restrictions. Get in touch with us right away, and our experts will recommend the best course of action for your hip and joint issues.

Patient’s Testimonials

A patient of Total Hip Replacement (THR) giving her views about treatment and recovery after surgery at Eva Hospital with Dr. Tanveer Singh Bhutani and team.

Eva Hospital - Patient after Hip Replacement Surgery by Dr. Tanveer Singh Bhutani

Mrs Madhu Sood, who is able to live her life to the fullest after having undergone a hip replacement surgery at Eva Hospital.

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