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Hand & Wrist Pain Treatment

It takes a total of 27 bones and various joints and ligaments to make a hand. Such a complex structure, the hand, offers a great level of flexibility and movement to the human body. We do a lot of chores using our hands and an aching hand or wrist is the worst thing ever happen to anyone. Hand & Wrist Pain not only hamper your day to day life, but it indicates a range of underlying conditions including cervical spine problem, weakness of the muscles as well as numbness in the nerves. However, pain in the Hand & Wrist can also be a result of occupational overuse, in which case it subsides after some rest. However, in other cases, it requires expert assessment and consultation to ensure that the right Hand & Wrist Pain Treatment is availed and relief is experienced.
If you are dealing with pain in hand and wrist, connect with EVA hospital for the best Hand & Wrist Pain Treatment.

Common causes of Hand & Wrist Pain

Hand and wrist pain is commonly experienced by a range of people. The pain can be caused due to a range of reasons inclusion:

  • Age
  • Hand Dominance
  • Injury
  • Diabetes
  • Endocrine Disorders
  • Pregnancy
  • Occupational Overuse
  • Repetitive Work
  • Static Posture
  • Undue Force

It is very important to assess the problem of hand and wrist pain and avail the right treatment. The doctor would advise whether you need to avail a treatment or minor lifestyle changes that can help you get rid of the problem.

We offer a range of Hand & Wrist Pain Treatments

Under the guidance of Dr. Tanveer Singh Bhutani, we offer a range of treatments for different types of Hand & Wrist Pain and conditions at EVA hospital. We specialise in treating:

  • Swelling and Pai
  • Arthritis of wrist
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Morning stiffness
  • De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Ganglion
  • Trigger Finger

Affordable Hand & Wrist Pain Treatment

At Eva Hospital, we are dedicated to offer affordable hand & wrist pain treatment to patients. We are a well-equipped and highly facilitated hospital that has helped several patients in recovering from acute hand and wrist pain. We are renowned as the best orthopaedic and infertility treatment hospital in Ludhiana for our great result.
Connect with us today and let us offer you the best hand and wrist treatment at an affordable price.

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