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Elbow replacement surgery

Joints are responsible to provide flexibility to our body parts. However, when overused, joints might cause more trouble than assistance. One such joint, which when overused causes a lot of pain is the elbow. Reports suggest that a lot of people complain of elbow pain ranging from mild to severe.Elbow is a key joint that connects the three bones of your arm (humerus) and forearm (radius and ulna). It allows movement in various direction and makes human hand flexible. Joint is, however, a complex structure which comprises of three parts Lateral epicondyle, Medial epicondyle, and Capitellum.

Elbow pain can not only cause discomfort but it also makes your life tough. Luckily, at Eva Hospital, we offer you the best elbow replacement surgery and treatment for elbow pain. Dr. Tanveer Singh Bhutani is the best orthopaedic surgeon in Ludhiana, Punjab with extensive experience and impressive background. We are committed to offer you the best treatment for your joint pain, especially elbow pain and other problems.

Possible causes of elbow pain

Elbow pain has now become a common problem. At Eva Hospital, we are dedicated to help you get relief from this condition. However, to treat the problem effectively, we first need to identify the root cause of the problem. The most common causes of elbow pain primarily include Arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is one of the majorly reported reasons for elbow pain. With our dedicated medical staff and state-of-the-art equipment, we create personalised treatments for the patients to help them with their unique elbow pain condition. The problem is basically related to ligaments, joints, and the muscles and lead to stiffness. Other reasons for elbow pain include:

  • Inflammation of the joint
  • Fractures around the elbow
  • Soft tissue contractures
  • Abnormal bone formation

Best orthopaedic surgeon in Ludhiana

Dr. Tanveer Bhutani is known for his expertise in treating joints and bone problems. He specialises in treating elbow pain and offering relief to the patient. Dr. Bhutani has an impressive experience in dealing with patients suffering from elbow movement and pain problems. He has helped several patients get rid of the discomfort and lead a normal life. Dr. Bhutani (the best orthopaedic surgeon in India) along with his team of nurses, medical staff, psychiatrists and more are readily available to treat your joints and bone problems.

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