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Joint Replacement Surgery- An Introduction Arthritis and routine wear and tear can cause hip, knee, and other joint pains. However when these pains and stiffness begin to impede the quality of life and the patient is not responding to other more

A chronic inflammatory disorder that affects more than just joints is called Rheumatoid Arthritis. The condition can be damaging to many body systems including the skin, eyes, lungs, heart, and blood vessels. Rheumatoid arthritis test is an Autoimmune disorder that occurs

Introduction  Severe pain in the shoulder when moving and while resting, a pain that affects sleep and limits your mobility in any way, especially while rotating the arm above shoulder level, can indicate frozen shoulder exercises syndrome   A disease that attacks the shoulder

Introduction Knee ligament injuries treatment or ACL tears are dreaded by all and are one of the most common athletic injuries and can prove to be ravaging especially for a young athlete, causing absences from sports teams, substantial restoration, and an

Introduction Ankles are one of the most overused joints in the human body. The wear and tear experienced by ankle joints and muscles every day can take a toll on them over time. Besides affecting a person's balance, weak ankles can

Arthritis is one of the most common chronic problems affecting majorly patients over the age of 70 but it may affect younger people too. The severity of osteoarthritis increases with age. The most common joint affected in osteoarthritis is the

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) affects patients who have been physically extremely active in hand movements over a period of time. CTS occurs due to the prolonged compression of the median nerve of the hands that lie in the carpal tunnel. 
