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Knee Replacement

One of the most common causes of knee pain among young athletes is Osgood-Schlatter Disease (OSD). In fact, about 10 percent of growing adolescents experience it. However, the good news is that Osgood-Schlatter’s disease is not actually a disease. It

Introduction to the Joint Replacement Surgeries In the human skeletal system, the point where two bones meet is known as the joint. A procedure that helps people to relieve chronic joint pain and improve joint mobility when other non-surgical treatments do

Joint Replacement Surgery- An Introduction Arthritis and routine wear and tear can cause hip, knee, and other joint pains. However when these pains and stiffness begin to impede the quality of life and the patient is not responding to other more

The knee joints take a lot of battering all our lives, which can ultimately lead to osteoarthritis and various other knee injuries. Designed to rebuild and restore knee function and reduce pain by replacing the knee joint with an artificial

Arthritis is one of the most common chronic problems affecting majorly patients over the age of 70 but it may affect younger people too. The severity of osteoarthritis increases with age. The most common joint affected in osteoarthritis is the

Recuperating after a joint replacement surgery is a crucial time and taking the right precautions pays off.  Joint surgery promises a pain-free and mobile lifestyle for the patient. Advancement in technology has enabled people to get new joints that easily
