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The shoulder is the most mobile joint of the body which is responsible for movement in the arm, swinging the arm, lifting weights, moving the arm to and fro as well as up and down. This greater range of movement may be a cause of instability, especially in the case of a sportsman.    Causes and Effects of Shoulder Instability Due to shoulder instability, the upper arm bone comes out of the cup-shaped socket that is a part of the shoulder blade and this causes a shoulder dislocation. Following may be the symptoms of shoulder dislocation: A deformed or misplaced shoulder Swelling or bruising

Have you been experiencing hip pain that interferes with your sleep or pain that is worsening with walking even with the help of a cane or walker? Has the hip pain affected your ability to climb up or down the stairs? Have you been facing an acute problem in rising up from a sitting position? It may be arthritis of the hip[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The reason for hip damage could be any- Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis or it could even be Osteonecrosis (inadequate blood supply). Irrespective of the reason you need to contact the best orthopedic surgeon of your area and discuss your

Knee Surgery is synonymous with a new lease of life and renewed energy to resume work. For marking the surgery a complete success, the post-surgery instructions have to be adhered to carefully. For relief from constant pain and stiffness due to bone damage or any deformity, the choice of knee surgery is the right option. Coming back to the usual routine with full gusto may take about 4-6 weeks. For quick healing and recovery, the patient has to follow the discharge instructions coupled with the medicine instructions judiciously. The health care experts and the surgeon will guide you on the exercise, rest, discharge
