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For most people “tennis elbow” is just something that Sachin Tendulkar had. It gives a vague idea of elbow injury in sportspersons. However, it is not only a sports injury. Actually, some people might suffer from the condition without recognizing it.   What is Tennis Elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis? Lateral Epicondylitis is a painful condition of regeneration of the tendons on the outer part of the elbow. It causes pain while performing actions such as gripping, lifting, and grasping. The pain persists in the restful state too. It can affect anyone, not just sportspersons. A plumber, a mechanic, or even a homemaker may suffer from

Every year, hundreds of people in Ludhiana undergo Arthroplasty or joint replacement surgery. At Eva Hospital, state of art in arthroplasty technology has made these implants easier, and faster to recover from. The joints are made from more durable materials and operated with the most advanced tools and techniques. Let us take a look at the ways in which advancement in medical science is making a difference in the field of total joint replacement operations. Superior Joint Materials: Art in Arthroplasty Robust and longer-lasting materials are now being used to fashion the implants used in Arthroplasty. A contemporary plastic compound called highly cross-linked polyethylene is now

For leading a comfortable lifestyle, the health of your bones and joints is extremely important. However, we tend to ignore this fact when they are working fine. Sportsmen, young people, senior citizens, and people who have undergone trauma need to visit an orthopedic care center. An orthopedic surgeon does not just perform surgeries. Surgery is an option only for patients with more severe forms of arthritis, fractures, or displacement, where for whom conventional treatments have not been effective. The objective of the surgical procedure is to bring relief to a traumatized patient and correct the deformities. Senior Citizens Age is just a number according to

‘As active as squirrel’ or ‘fit as a fiddle’ was your nickname a couple of months ago. But with a sudden jerk, push, weight lift, or age and osteoporosis, you find yourself incapacitated with acute pain. This unexpected jerk or sports injury has led to unbearable traumatic pain. You may find yourself in a lurch while doing the basic daily chores or walking up the stairs with the constant aches in the joints. A locked or damaged knee, frozen shoulder, damaged hip joints can be stressful physically and mentally. If you are considering joint replacement surgery or have been referred to a

अत्याधुनिक गैजेट एवं  मोबाइल फोन वर्तमान जीवन की अपरिहार्य अंश  है। क्या आप अपने मोबाइल फोन, व्हाट्सएप, ई-मेल या सोशल मीडिया  की जांच आधे दिन से अधिक समय तक किए बिना रहने के बारे में सोच सकते हैं? असंभव  है ना? लेकिन क्या क्या आपने सोचा है की इसका असर आपके गर्दन ऊपर कैसे पड़ सकता है  ? वैज्ञानिकों ने 'टेक्स्ट नेक' नामक एक शब्द गढ़ा है, जिसका मतलब है लगातार सर झुका कर रहने के कारण  गर्दन में होनेवाली  पीड़ा । सामान्य परिस्थितियों में, एक स्वस्थ रीढ़ ,आसानी से अपने सिर का  ५ कि.ग्रा.  वजन उठा सकती है। जब आप

The decision to get hip replacement surgery is not the end of the story. Rather it is the beginning of the mammoth preparations so that the surgery can be a success and recovery can be fastened. You must not idly sit back and wait till the day of the surgery arrives. You must gear up and discuss the pre-preparation with your surgeon so that you are well-equipped to be independent as soon as you get back home after the surgery. “The right preparation and gathering useful information before the surgery can make a huge difference in making your recovery smooth,” says

The global pandemic ‘Coronavirus’ causing Covid-19 has shaken the foundations of the world economy and the medical fraternity is no exception. The process of taking in emergencies, dealing with routine check-ups, and dealing with impending surgeries has caused anxiety among orthopedics all over the globe.  The uncertainty looming over the world, the recession in the economy, and the furlough of employees have impacted the world economy at large. This has given a serious blow to the treatment procedure across the world. The anxiety among surgeons, the postponement of elective surgeries, the post-care of critical patients, and the fear of contracting the

Arthritis is affecting millions of people including the young generation. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 36% of obese American adults Arthritis Patients are badly inflicted with arthritis pains. Acute pain in the joints and bones can be devastating and the excess body weight eventually leads to wear and tear, inflammation, stiffness, and immobility in joints.  Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) affects the whole body. The immunity system of the body weakens and apart from the lining of the joints (synovium), the whole body including hands, knees, and ankles seems to be attacked. This can further escalate into problems affecting the

The acute pain in the knee and the discomfort, while moving about and getting up from a low rise chair, are signs of knee trauma. Patients who suffer from osteoarthritis and may be aging symptoms are the ones who need to seek surgical help. The patient needs to consider Knee Replacement surgery or Knee Arthroplasty to relieve the pain and restore the normal functioning of the knee.   What is Total Knee Replacement? The Total Knee Replacement (TKR) surgery is where the damaged parts of the knee joint are replaced with artificial or manmade joints. This surgery is done for people who are elderly suffering from

Are you suffering from constant pain in the knees, legs, and arms? Have you been facing difficulty in quickly running about and doing the daily chores? Dr. Tanveer Bhutani, Punjab’s best orthopedic surgeon suggests checking for symptoms like stiffness, swelling, pain, redness, and decreased motion and if the symptoms show affirmation, you may be further checked for arthritis. Arthritis is the inflammation, swelling, and tenderness of one or more joints in the body. Arthritis worsens with age and it is a rheumatic condition that may spread to tissues surrounding the joint and other connective tissue. There are various forms of arthritis and some
