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Rotator Cuff tear - Causes & Risk factors A rotator cuff tear is a common shoulder condition in adults. The most prominent symptoms are pain at rest and at night, especially while lying on the affected side. The shoulder is a ball and socket joint. It constitutes three bones- the humerus, the clavicle, and the scapula( upper arm, collar bone, and the shoulder blade). The head of the humerus is the ball that fits into the socket of the scapula. A group of muscles and tendons called the rotator cuff, covers the ball and keeps it stabilized inside the socket of

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Although arthritis is a condition mostly attributed to the senior population, athletes and young adults are also susceptible. Knee arthritis is defined as a group of conditions caused by defective articular cartilage and alterations in bone morphology. It is considered the most prevalent type of arthritis, and the most notable health issue that permeates modern society. Juvenile joint problems are found to be the result of injuries, occupational activities, sports, obesity or genetic factors. Diagnosis of Young Adult's Knee Arthritis  Diagnosing arthritis in young people is pretty challenging because they have a higher threshold of pain. Before treating the condition, orthopedic surgeons

The painful, wobbly, and unstable feeling of a loose knee cap is commonly caused by an injury that has either sprained or torn the ligaments. Anterior cruciate ligament or meniscus injury may also cause knee instability and pain. The kneecap is connected to the thigh bone(femur) above and the shin bone(tibia) below. It moves up & down in this groove as you move your knee. Sometimes the knee 'gives out', or the kneecap moved out of this groove. This is called knee instability. The most common symptom is a sensation that the knee has moved out of place. There is usually

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Is shoulder clicking or popping a serious matter? Well, it can be. Sometimes you hear a sound or have a cracking feeling when you lift or rotate your arms. It may or may not be accompanied by pain. We tend to ignore it, stretch a little, take painkillers and generally forget about it. However, you must address the issue for all that your health is worth. We don't want to make it worse, do we? In medical terms, the clicking that you feel is called Crepitus. You can have crepitus in any joint but when it occurs in the shoulder, it may

Adult acquired flat foot is a condition where the arch of the foot flattens progressively. When standing, the entire sole touches the ground. Adults who acquire this condition, mostly experience pain, difficulty inactivity, and require treatment. It is also referred to as AAFD and Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction. Usually, the problem begins with a little pain & swelling in tendons that later cause arthritis and arch collapse. If you see any symptoms you should get your feet assessed at a Foot and Ankle Clinic. Early diagnosis and treatment of the condition are vital before it gets worse. We will look at the causes,

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are both conditions of the joints having different causes and treatment but similar symptoms. Arthritis is a broad term surmising joint diseases. There are many types of the disease. It affects people of all ages and gender, however, the mentioned two are more common in women. Osteoarthritis or OA is a degenerative disease where the cartilage that cushions the bones in joints starts wearing down. It exposes nerves and causes the bones to rub against each other, causing pain. Rheumatoid Arthritis or RA is an autoimmune disorder where the human immune system becomes faulty and starts attacking the tissue
