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The right combination of rest, nutrition, and exercises is required for a hip replacement surgery patient to regain his strength and acquire full mobility and flexion. This guide will help you build a workout program to regain your range of motion and mobility after hip replacement. No 1: Toe bending Most of the exercises recommended to someone recovering from a total hip replacement surgery involve working the ankle, leg, and hip muscles. However, it would be a mistake to start with your ankle directly. As prescribed under the Yoga philosophy, start with the simple toe bending -----inwards and outwards--- while lying down.

ACL tear is an extremely common knee injury, particularly known to affect sports persons involved in football, basketball, volleyball, and skiing. In the majority of cases, an ACL injury is a result of making a wrong movement on part of the patient. However, to have a better understanding of what ACL tear is, understanding the anatomical relevance of the ACL is highly relevant. What is ACL? Your knee is basically a hinge joint, formed by the femur, the tibia and the patella. It is made of bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. The ACL, the acronym for anterior cruciate ligament, is one of the

Even though the name might suggest that Tennis Elbow is an issue that persons involved in that sport will undergo, that notion is entirely incorrect. Caused by the repeated contraction of the forearm muscles used in straightening and raising your hand and wrist, tennis elbow is a condition common not only among athletes but also among non-athletes.   What is Tennis Elbow?   Tennis elbow is a condition caused by excessive or overuse of tendons in your elbow.  Over time, certain arm and wrist motions tend to weaken arm muscles and tear the tendon that attaches these muscles to the bony end of your arm.

Some of you may have experienced multiple instances of shoulder dislocation. Aside from being extremely painful, recurring instances of shoulder dislocation can lead to a great deal of mental stress and trauma, leading to severely damaged overall health.  This makes it pertinent to have a clear understanding of the causes of recurring instances of shoulder dislocation. Main causes of recurring shoulder dislocation The time gap between injury and treatment: Orthopaedics are unanimous in their opinion that instances of any shoulder dislocation must be immediately treated and rectified. In case there is a time gap between the injury and the treatment, the risk

Exercises before knee replacement surgery In case your doctor has recommended knee replacement surgery after having seen your physical, you will have to prepare your body for a future operation. This basically means strengthening knee muscles so that the impact of the surgery is not adverse on your body, the recovery after surgery is speedy and you are prepared to support your new joints. In this guide, we list exercises that will help you meet these goals.   Toe Bending Any exercise that is meant to help the lower part of your body has to start at the fag-end of the body—i.e. your toes. 

Introduction to the Joint Replacement Surgeries In the human skeletal system, the point where two bones meet is known as the joint. A procedure that helps people to relieve chronic joint pain and improve joint mobility when other non-surgical treatments do not yield results is known as Joint Replacement Surgery.  Persistent joint pain and a limited range of motion is an indication to consider joint replacement surgery. It can help improve the overall quality of life and get one back to doing the things they enjoy, pain-free. The type of joint replacement surgery suited for the patient, among different types available depends on

Joint Replacement Surgery- An Introduction Arthritis and routine wear and tear can cause hip, knee, and other joint pains. However when these pains and stiffness begin to impede the quality of life and the patient is not responding to other more conservative treatment methods, it may be time to consider a joint replacement surgery. Newer surgical developments and minimally invasive techniques have made total joint replacement a great treatment option that can help restore quality of life & allow people to return to a normal and active lifestyle.   Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery Lately, for some patients who meet the specific requirements, the procedure can

A chronic inflammatory disorder that affects more than just joints is called Rheumatoid Arthritis. The condition can be damaging to many body systems including the skin, eyes, lungs, heart, and blood vessels. Rheumatoid arthritis test is an Autoimmune disorder that occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks one's own body's tissues. Rheumatoid arthritis affects the lining of the joints which causes a painful swelling that can eventually result in bone erosion and joint deformity. The inflammation related to rheumatoid arthritis can damage other parts of the body as well and may cause physical disabilities. Though the exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, it

The knee joints take a lot of battering all our lives, which can ultimately lead to osteoarthritis and various other knee injuries. Designed to rebuild and restore knee function and reduce pain by replacing the knee joint with an artificial one, Knee replacement surgery (knee arthroplasty) is very popular these days, and is helping people resume normal lifestyles.  An important part of recovery following knee replacement surgery is stretching and strengthening of the muscles. But one needs to keep in mind that some types of movements and exercises may be more harmful than beneficial. It is vital to learn what types of

Introduction  Severe pain in the shoulder when moving and while resting, a pain that affects sleep and limits your mobility in any way, especially while rotating the arm above shoulder level, can indicate frozen shoulder exercises syndrome   A disease that attacks the shoulder joint, medically known as Adhesive Capsulitis, frozen shoulder is difficult to bear.  Pain and stiffness develop gradually, get worse, and eventually go away. However, the full recovery can take up to 3 years. The Shoulder consists of three bones that form a connection called a ball-and-socket joint, namely the upper arm (humerus), shoulder blade (scapula), and collarbone (clavicle). The tissue surrounding
