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In work conditions that involve having to keep your shoulder stiff for a longer period, one is at a greater risk of developing a health condition commonly known as frozen shoulder. This is why this condition is quite common among people who work for a long time over computers. Also referred to as adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder is a state in which the shoulder becomes stiff, and shoulder joint aches, all of this leading to restricted motion in the shoulder and adjoining areas. This health condition is common among people aged between 40-60 years and manifests the severity in three stages—freezing (painful),

Your bones, which are highly instrumental in maintaining your well-being, are made up of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin D, potassium, and protein. A diet rich in the above-mentioned nutrients is key to maintaining bone health and density. This is why experts typically advise you to maintain a diet consisting of green vegetables, citrus fruit, seafood, nuts, and dairy products. While being aware of what to eat is very important, it is equally important to know what sort of foods may be adversely impacting you, in order to maintain a lifetime of bone health. What foods should you avoid? For better bone health, experts

Overuse of specific movements or injuries can cause damage to your shoulder, causing pain and discomfort. Nearly 10% of all shoulder injuries could be SLAP tears or labrum tears, a point of discussion in this article. What is SLAP tear? Superior Labrum, Anterior to Posterior tears (SLAP tears) is damaged in the labrum on the socket of the shoulder. More simply put, a SLAP tear occurs when there is a tear in the cartilage in the inner part of your shoulder joint.  This condition is common in people engaged in racket sports, basketball, and softball since these sports rely on excessive overhead

Lifestyle and dietary negligence are leading to a spurt in the number of cases in India where body joints have a wide variety of issues. However, modern science has also made it possible to nip such issues in the bud through a minimally invasive procedure known as arthroscopy. This brings us to the point, what exactly is arthroscopy and how does it work? What is Arthroscopy? The term is made from two Greek words: Arthro, meaning joint, and skopein, meaning to look. This makes the meaning of the procedure quite self-explanatory. Arthroscopy is the medical procedure to enable a surgeon to look

In recent times, public bone health has become a subject of major studies and speculation. Why so? Bone is a pivotal part of the human body not just to provide structure to the body but they anchor muscles and store calcium. As we age, our health deteriorates because we peak our bone mass at the age of 30. While the body continues to remodel after that age, we lose bone mass gradually, resulting in the bones becoming brittle. In most acute cases, one can develop osteoporosis, a condition in which bones deteriorate to an extent that they become brittle, resulting in

Shin splints are one of the many conditions common among sportspersons and people who are physically extremely active. Typically, a problem associated with excessive use of the shin bone, leg muscles, and tendons, one can develop this condition due to overloading of these parts. What are shin splints? Medically known as the medial tibial stress syndrome, shin splints are a condition in which there is inflammation and aching along your shinbone. The cause of this discomfort could be overuse and stress on the shinbone and the tissue that connects this bone with the muscle. Runners, gymnasts, dancers, and military personnel are at

Runner’s Knee is a broad term describing a medical condition that causes a dull pain, typically, around the front of your knees. Pain may also be felt towards the outer part of the knee, depending on the specific cause of this condition. These conditions can be anterior knee pain syndrome, patellofemoral malalignment, chondromalacia patella, and iliotibial band syndrome. Even though this ailment is typical among professional runners and one of the most common running-related injuries, a Runner’s Knee can affect anyone who engages in physical activities and sports. Causes: Factor that could lead to a Runner’s Knee The name is self-explanatory — in most cases,

Sprain and tear are words that are often used interchangeably to describe and identify ligament-related injuries. However, medically, ligament tears and spraining of a ligament are not the same things. This guide will explain the difference between the two types of injuries, common among sportspersons. What is a ligament? Ligaments are those fibrous tissues that connect one bone in our body to another. They hold our joints together, giving us freedom of movement and control. Basically, Ligaments prevent abnormal movements of the joints by keeping them in proper alignment. Highly soft in texture, ligaments are prone to injury, caused by overuse or

Private research done on the subject showed that arthritis affected more than 180 million people in India in the year 2017. Numbers also indicated that around 14% of the Indian population sought a doctor’s help every year for this joint disease. While these numbers might have spiked manifold in the past half a decade, the prevalence of arthritis is, as it is, higher than diseases like diabetes, AIDS, and cancer. This also makes it highly crucial to understand the various aspects of arthritis, something this guide will elaborate on by highlighting the key facts about this disease. What is Arthritis? Arthritis is

There is no denying that injuries, big or small, are part and parcel of a sports person’s life. However, by making conscious efforts toward its prevention, we can minimize the risk of musculoskeletal injuries, which includes injuries to your bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissues. Medical studies in sports show that the rate of injury in athletes may vary from 10% to 65%. This is why identifying possible risk factors for injury and plugging those gaps is required to lower the odds. Now, what are the factors that make you more prone to sports injuries?   Factors that increase injury risks for a
