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A condition that affects various joints in the body, Osteochondritis Dissecans is the result of a piece of bone getting partially or entirely separated from the end of the bone forming. An obstruction in the blood supply to the area is often the cause of this issue. With the piece of the bone gradually dying, the cartilage covering it cracks too and both may break loose, causing pain and affecting movement. The area where the bone fragment breaks off is called a lesion. This entire process takes months or years. Consequently, symptoms of Osteochondritis Dissecans may take a long time to

Body joints have a complicated makeup, due to which they are prone to suffering from a large number of ailments. One such health condition that causes discomfort and pain along the joints is bursitis, caused by inflammation of the bursa.   What is bursa? During joint movement, tendons, ligaments, muscles,s and skin glide over bones. This gliding motion is supported by small fluid-filled, slippery sacks known as bursae (plural of bursa). Wedged between bone and soft tissue and acting as a cushion, bursae eliminate the possibility of friction during joint movement.   What is bursitis?   Any inflammation or irritation in these miniature water balloons — a

Newer advancements have made it possible for people to enjoy greater levels of mobility after their total knee replacement (TKR). This has been made possible with high-flexion knee replacement, a procedure that is fast gaining popularity because of its several merits. Understanding knee mobility   The flexion in your knee is an evaluation of its mobility. It is expressed in terms of degrees. The normal knee flexion range could be anywhere between 0 and 150 degrees. Performing different daily tasks using your knee requires different degrees of knee flexion. Your knee is at around 90 degrees when you are sitting in a chair. Walking

One of the most common causes of knee pain among young athletes is Osgood-Schlatter Disease (OSD). In fact, about 10 percent of growing adolescents experience it. However, the good news is that Osgood-Schlatter’s disease is not actually a disease. It is only a condition that gets cured with time. What exactly is Osgood-Schlatter Disease? It is a condition of the knee in which the tibial apophysis is inflamed due to traction by the patellar tendon. The condition, which manifests itself in the form of a painful lump below the kneecap, is known to attack children experiencing growth spurts. An overuse injury, the

Various conditions related to the tendons in your body may become a cause of pain and restricted mobility. These conditions include ailments like tendinitis and tendinosis.  While the terms tendinitis and tendinosis are sometimes used interchangeably, the two conditions that impact your tendons are not the same. Despite identical symptoms and a certain level of similarity in their names, tendinitis and tendinosis require different treatment courses for healing. The fact that researchers say that what is thought to be tendinitis is usually tendinosis only adds to the confusion. For example, Tennis Elbow is usually described as tendinitis of the Extensor Carpi

Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the many conditions that can affect a person’s body movement because a nerve in their body is getting pinched. In this guide, we will understand what exactly happens to a person suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. What is carpal tunnel syndrome? Carpal tunnel is an opening in your wrist formed by the carpal bones on the bottom of the wrist and the transverse carpal ligament across the top of the wrist. The syndrome is also known as median nerve compression because this condition occurs due to pressure of the median nerve where it passed through the carpel

One of the most common injury risks among sportspersons is the stress fracture. This is because of the very nature of some sports where the sportsperson is required to perform fixed actions for prolonged durations throughout their entire career. This makes it imperative for them to understand the injury and make use of prevention methods to keep them at bay. What is stress fracture?   A stress fracture is when any bone in your body develops small fracture cracks because of repetitive force. This can also be described as deep bone bruise. A stress fracture takes place when a stress reaction is left

Severe sports injuries can lead to putting an athlete or sports person’s career and lives on hold. This makes injury prevention extremely crucial for them. One proven way to lower the risk of sports injury is known as resistance training. In this article, we would understand what exactly resistance training is, and how does it help a sportsperson.   What is strength training and how does it work?   Simply put, resistance training is exercising your muscles using an opposing force.  Also known as weight training, resistance training and muscular training and strength training, it is a workout programme in which one uses equipment like dumbbells

Studies conducted on the subject show ballgames claim a lion’s share in injuries suffered during sports. Also, football presents the greatest risk for concussions of all sports, data suggest. In this article, we would talk about some of the most common injuries a player can suffer while playing various ballgames such as football, volleyball, racquetball, basketball, handball, etc.   Most common ballgame injuries   Concussions In contact sports, concussions often happen during a tackle in the event of the head snapping and striking the ground.   How long does it take for Concussions to heal? 14-21 days   Hamstring strains Hamstrings are the muscles that run from the bottom of our

Hip injuries are extremely painful aside from causing major mobility issues. A pain from an injured hip would not only affect that area but also pass on towards your legs, sciatica, groin and spine. Consequently, your mobility will be highly restricted. This is why it becomes pertinent to understand what the recurring causes of such injuries are. Accordingly, all preventive methods should be put in place to avoid hip discomfort and injuries.   Who is at risk of developing a hip injury? The hip is a ball-and-socket joint where the thigh bone (femur) meets the hip bone (pelvis). The joint is basically the meeting
