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    Total Knee Replacement

    Sports Injuries Specialist

    Hip Joint Replacement Surgeon

    Patient’s Testimonials

    Listen to this couple talk about their knee replacement surgery at Eva Hospital. Both share their respective experiences with the hospital.

    EVA Joint Replacement aim to be the best facility for treatment of all orthopaedic & Joints issues.

    NRI gets Knee Replacement Done at EVA Hospital Ludhiana. Starts walking effortlessly within a week.

    Patient shares her experience just after 5 days of bilateral knee replacement surgery conducted by Dr. Tanveer Bhutani (EVA Hospital, Ludhiana)

    Patient astonished after her knee replacement surgery, her bowed legs also got fixed. Check out what this patient has to say about EVA Hospital & he experience.

    ACL reconstruction have changed the way surgeries are conducted. Find out from our expert what make this revolutionary technology a game changer.

    Dr. Tanveer Singh Bhutani

    MBBS, M.S. (Ortho) (Gold Medalist)
    M.Ch. (Ortho) (U.K.)
    Fellow Joint Reconstruction (Germany)
    ESSKA Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Scholar (Luxembourg)
    SICOT International Travelling Scholarship (Belgium)

    Dr. Tanveer Bhutani is a celebrated Ortho Doctor awarded Gold Medal by Dr. Abul Kalam Azad (Ex President India). Dr. Tanveer Bhutani is a seasoned orthopaedic doctor specialising in Knee Replacement, Hip Replacement & is Sports Injuries specialist. He is a ESSKA Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Scholar (Germany).
    Dr. Bhutani has recently (In year 2022) been awarded the best Orthopaedic Surgeon in North India at the International Best Healthcare Awards held at Mumbai.

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    Super Specialty
    Orthopaedic Hospital

    Best treatment & care ensured.

    Orthopaedic hospital in Ludhiana with excellent facilities. ACL reconstruction surgery, total knee replacement, foot and ankle replacement, elbow replacement, shoulder replacement, knee replacement cost and wrist pain treatment, oxinium knee treatment, and more are all included in our extensive list of therapies.

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    Eva Hospital Knee Replacement Patients dancing on Baisakhi!

    More than 150 patients who underwent Total Knee and Hip Replacement procedures under Dr. Tanveer Singh Bhutani at Eva Hospital, Ludhiana participated in the Baisakhi 2022 Celebrations where they danced to the tunes of Babe Bhangra Paunde Ne, beautiful ladies did Ramp Walk at the event.
